Top 10 HTML Interview questions in 2024

Top 10 HTML Interview questions in 2024

Table of Contents:


    If you are preparing for interview & you are finding the top html interview questions, then this post is for you. In this blog post , first we will see what is html & why it is used . Then we will see top interview questions related to html & thier answers with proper explanation. If you want to crack interview then read the complete blog post.

    What is html?

    Before going forward we will see , what is html? Html is a hypertext markup language. It is a standard markup language used to create web pages. It defines structure & layout of web pages by using variety of tags.

    Top interview questions:

    1. What is html?
      Ans: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the standard text formatting language used for creating and displaying web pages on the Internet. HTML documents consist of elements and tags that format content for proper display.

    2. What are html tags?
      Ans: HTML tags are used to place elements in the appropriate format. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets (< and >). Some tags require closing tags (e.g., <p>), while others are self-closing (e.g., <img>).

    3. What are html attributes?
      Ans: Attributes are properties added to HTML tags. They modify how a tag behaves or is displayed. For example, the <img> tag has an src attribute to specify the image source.

    4. What is marquee tag in html?
      Ans: A marquee is used for scrolling text or images on a web page. It automatically scrolls content up, down, left, or right. To create a marquee, use the <marquee> tags.

    1. How do you separate sections of text in HTML?
      Ans :
    • <br> tag: Separates lines of text by breaking the current line and shifting the flow to a new line.
    • <p> tag: Defines a paragraph of text.
    • <blockquote> tag: Used for large quoted sections.
    1. Define the list types in HTML.
    • Ordered list: Uses the <ol> tag and displays elements in a numbered format.
    • Unordered list: Uses the <ul> tag and displays elements in a bulleted format.
    1. How do you align list elements in an HTML file?
      Ans: To align list elements in an HTML file, you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to apply alignment properties to the list items. Here are a few common methods:
    • Text Alignment: You can align the text within list items using the text-align property. For example, to align the text to the left, right, or center within a list, you can use:
    ul {
        text-align: left; /* or right, center */
    • List Item Alignment: You can also align the list items themselves using the list-style-position property. This property determines whether the list item marker appears inside or outside the content flow. For example, to align the list items to the center:
    ul {
        list-style-position: inside; /* or outside */
    • Using Flexbox or Grid: If you need more control over the layout, you can use CSS Flexbox or Grid layout techniques. These provide powerful tools for aligning and positioning elements within a container. For example, using Flexbox to align list items horizontally:
    ul {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center; /* or other values like flex-start, flex-end */
    1. Differentiate between an Ordered list and an Unordered list?
      Ans: Difference between ordered & Unordered list is written in following table:
    AspectOrdered ListUnordered List
    Syntax<ol> and <li> elements<ul> and <li> elements
    MarkerDisplays numbers, letters, or custom charactersDisplays bullets, squares, circles, or custom symbols
    PurposeUsed for sequentially ordered contentUsed for non-sequentially ordered content
    Examples1. Item 1 <br> 2. Item 2 <br> 3. Item 3● Item 1 <br> ● Item 2 <br> ● Item 3
    Default StyleTypically indented and with a marginTypically indented with a bullet point marker
    AccessibilityUseful for step-by-step instructionsSuitable for listing items without a specific order
    Semantic MeaningImplies a logical sequenceImplies a collection of related items
    1. what is an element in html?
      Ans: In HTML, an element is a fundamental building block that defines the structure and content of a web page. An HTML element consists of several parts:
    • Start Tag: The opening tag that marks the beginning of the element. It is enclosed in angle brackets (< >) and usually contains the name of the element.

    • End Tag: The closing tag that marks the end of the element. It is similar to the start tag but includes a forward slash (/) before the element name.

    • Content: The actual content or text that appears between the start and end tags. This can include text, other elements, or multimedia content.

    • Attributes: Optional additional information or properties that can be added to the start tag to modify the behavior or appearance of the element.

    Here's an example of a simple HTML element:

    <p>This is a paragraph element.</p>

    In this example:

    • <p> is the start tag.
    • </p> is the end tag.
    • "This is a paragraph element." is the content.
    • <p> is the element name (in this case, it represents a paragraph). 10. what is difference between html & css?
      Ans : Difference between html & css is written in following table:
    AspectHTML (HyperText Markup Language)CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    DefinitionMarkup language used to structure and define the content of a web page.Style sheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML elements.
    PurposeDefines the structure and content of web pages.Controls the layout, design, and appearance of HTML elements.
    UsageUsed to create the skeleton and content of web pages.Used to enhance the visual presentation of web pages.
    SyntaxConsists of elements enclosed in tags (e.g., <p>, <div>, <img>).Consists of selectors and declarations (e.g., selector { property: value; }).
    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>p {
    <div class="container">color: blue;
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>font-size: 16px;
    ResponsivenessNot inherently responsible for responsive design.Allows for responsive design through media queries and flexible layout techniques.
    Browser RenderingDetermines the structure and content layout of web pages.Defines the visual appearance, including colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning.
    Supported byBrowsers render HTML to display web pages.Browsers interpret CSS to style HTML elements.
    HierarchicalProvides a hierarchical structure to organize content.Supports cascading styles, allowing for inheritance and overriding of styles.
    InteractivityDefines interactive elements like forms and links.Enhances interactivity through animations, transitions, and hover effects.
    AccessibilityFocuses on the semantic structure of content for accessibility.Enhances accessibility by providing styling for improved readability and navigation.


    Mastering HTML is essential for anyone aspiring to succeed in web development interviews. Understanding the fundamentals of HTML, including tags, attributes, and elements, is crucial. Additionally, knowing how to differentiate between various types of lists and understanding the differences between HTML and CSS can greatly enhance your interview readiness. By thoroughly studying and comprehending the top HTML interview questions provided in this post, you'll be better equipped to ace your next interview and showcase your HTML proficiency effectively.

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