Top 10 ReactJS Interview questions in 2024

Top 10 ReactJS Interview questions in 2024

Table of Contents:


    If you are ReactJS developer & preparing for interview then this post is for you. Nowdays ReactJS became a second most used web framework amongst developers next to nodejs.\

    ReactJs is become most demanded frontend framework in 2023. According to devjobsscanner,\

    So learning & preparing for interview of ReactJS is necessary for frontend developer for crack high paid job.\

    In this post we will see what is Reactjs? & why it is used? & next we will see mostly asked interview questions related ReactJS. So read entire blog post.

    What is Reactjs?

    ReactJs is a popular JavaScript frontend framework used for building user interfaces, especially for web applications. It was developed by Facebook and is now maintained by both Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.
    React allows developers to create reusable UI components and efficiently manage the state of their applications, resulting in faster rendering and better performance. It follows a component-based architecture and utilizes a virtual DOM for efficient updates to the actual DOM, making it ideal for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

    • Why it is used? Reactjs is used because it simplifies the process of building complex user interfaces. Improves performance & has strong ecosystem of tools & resources.

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